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Dancer Pose

Empowering Dancers Through Relational Psychotherapy and Counselling

Supporting Dancers' Mental Health and Well-Being

Being a dancer can be one of the most fulfilling paths we can take, and one of the most challenging. The magic of artistry and creative process can be difficult to hold onto alongside the daily grind of financial instability, difficult or abusive hierarchies, performance anxiety, and to integrate the calling of the art with the expectations of society.

It is important to find ways of translating this calling into action, and to surround ourselves with those who can help.

As a former dancer, I have empathy for the struggle between cultivating our inner meaning through dance, and making our way through a sometimes unyielding society. I now intend to give back to a community that has given me so much.

Therapy for Dancers

Sliding scale therapy for dance artists

Therapy can help with

  • Untangling the creative impulse from the web of responsibilities

  • Handling rejection, confrontations, body shaming

  • Interpersonal effectiveness, boundary setting

  • Processing harassment or abuse, present or past

  • Transitioning out of dancing, vocational counselling

$80-$100 sliding scale

Connect here for further details, to set up a free phone introduction, or book a session:

For more information about my style of work, please see the ABOUT page.

Dance, dance

otherwise we are lost.

Pina Bausch

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